⭐️ The Most Recent QVD Marriage: A Valentine’s Day Wedding for a Prinz von Preußen
On Valentine’s Day, 14 February 2020, a significant event took place in the world of royalty. Prince Alexander of Prussia,…
On Valentine’s Day, 14 February 2020, a significant event took place in the world of royalty. Prince Alexander of Prussia,…
Princess Rohays Galitzine, a member of the Russian nobility and a descendant of Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich, passed away on…
Tomorrow, Princess Marie-Astrid of Liechtenstein and Ralph Worthington V will tie the knot in Italy, marking a significant union between…
Today marks a significant milestone in the history of the Habsburg dynasty: the centennial birth anniversary of Archduchess Elisabeth of…
Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark, the youngest son of King Constantine II of Greece and Queen Anne-Marie of Denmark,…
Archduke Leo Stefan of Austria, a member of the Teschen line of the Austrian imperial family, passed away on February…
The Duke of Roxburghe, one of Britain’s most eligible bachelors, has turned 40, marking a significant milestone in his life….
The Thyssen-Bornemisza dynasty, a prominent European family known for their significant contributions to art, culture, and industry, has suffered a…
The Duchess de Almenara Alta, Soledad Martorell y Castillejo, passed away on August 6, 2022, in Madrid, leaving behind a…
Today, a significant milestone is being celebrated by the royal family of Baden: Princess Marie Louise of Baden marks her…